Wow, it's over for another year.
I just cannot believe it. It was like a whirlwind of food, presents, swimming, drinking, eating, sleeping, laughing, playing and ripping and tearing!
It was awesome, here are some highlights and favourites from the last few weeks!
Mr & Mrs Hornbagme & hubby aka Mr Zoolander
Us Girls!
We went out for Christmas drinks with some friends, we went and saw an Inxs tribute band and had a great night!
A bunch of cousins - in very fancy chrissy tshirts that their very talented Mum/Aunty/Godmother made for them!

Freckles and cousin Miss L

Little Miss A & her gorgeous brother Master C
Salt & Pepper version 2
Christmas Play Official Poster

My boy!

Opening pressies with Aunty Michelle
Baby Samuel

Swimming in the city at 7am

I love this one, Miss L as the Magical Unicorn

Miss L and one of her most fabulous art works!
We then headed to Brisvegas and stayed a few days with hubby's sister and family. We had a fabulous time their, lots of laughing, good food, christmas pantomine's put on by the kids, and early mornings! Swimming, eating, drinking in the "Madonna
Lounge", pressies and the best shortbread in the world! Thanks guys it was awesome! Can't wait for Straddie!!! We also caught up with my bestie, her hubby and their little baby boy Sam...I could just eat him up!

This is my boy sitting, waiting at the train station on Christmas Eve. We were waiting for the train, not just any train, his very first. He loves trains and so I thought as an early chrissy present I would take him on one throught the city..and oh he loved it! He ended up falling asleep towards the end with his little feet up on some nice young guys knee and with his ticked firmly clasp in his hand..precious boy!
Spent Christmas eve with Mum and my little brother. Cooked up a traditional Christmas feast and then sat around laughing and chatting whilst listening to Carols. It was great, love you guys!

Guess what Santa brought us..??

Chrissy morning brought with it all sorts of goodies, a new Ipod Nano bright green for me, a violin for freckles, a racing track for the boy, a giant tv remote and motorbike wet gear for hubby... and lots of other amazing treats! Christmas day we spent with hubby's family. We headed to Grandma and Grandad's place for a fabulous chrissy day shin-dig with the whole family! Again lots of delicious food, awesome drinks, kids having a blast, backyard cricket..presents, Articulating board game..and love..lots of love!
Our Family take 1
Our Family take 49 million!

Mum & Daughter
Boxing Day I spent at the sales..going crazy mental with buying, sheets, towels, dinner sets..etc. Popped down to Ikea as well with Mum and Sonya for a little spending spree...brilliant!
Headed back home to the coast, and then had Criffy and the girls arrive to stay a few days! It was absolutely stinking hot, and hubby had a terrible bug so wasnt really sociable. But somehow he got through and they managed to get the shed down and get the tramp has only been sitting in the box for 2 say the kids were ecstatic is an understatement! Oh freckles also got the other part of her chrissy present, a brand new baby kitten named Buttons..he is just lovely!

On New Years Eve, we had some more friends arrive from Sydney, The Davids..brought their gorgeous girl..who by the way is not even 2 and can do forward somersaults off the side of the pool! We spent the last two days swimming in the pool, playing card games, drinking very cold beer and eating prawns off the bbq! Welcome 2009!

The Day Spa in our backyard!

Little Mermaids.

Tiff, Soff & Jeff..oh and baby no.2 on the way! Yay!

New Years Morning, breakfast Bar - Bacon and eggs..oh and prawns!

And that as they say is that. The last few months have been a blur of moving house, visiting family and friends, christmas and new year. We now have the boy's 3rd birthday coming up on the now in the planning stages. I feel very lucky and blessed to have such beautiful people to share all these great times with. Thank you all of know who you are. xo
Hubby & Me - Christmas Day 2008
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