Monday, April 27, 2009


On Saturday my mother in law aka Judith, turned 70.
To mark his special occasion my beautiful sister in laws created a gorgeous tea party on sunday afteroon at her home, with all the special people in her life. The theme was pink and yellow, and apparently from what i have heard was a HUGE success.
Our little contribution to this lovely afternoon was to cook cupcakes! And to say we had fun doing it is an understatement. We made them in gorgeous pink with white polka dot baking cups with scalloped edges, no ordinary run of the mill cups for this special lady.

beautiful baking cups (we used the pink polka dot one in mini & large size)

We iced them in yummy butter cream in colours of lemon, light green and light pink. We then decorated them in with lots of different things, from jelly bellys in colours of pink, yellow and green. Also shiny silver balls, little fizzy florets in gorgoeous colours, pink and white polka dot smarties and sweet little sugar flowers. They were so pretty. Thanks to mum for helping me and the kids, whilst I was so sick. Anyway I could not go to the party (poo!) but my family had a wonderful time! Thank you Madonna & Nic for creating such a special day and memory.

beautiful bunting from twiggi

So whilst I was thinking along party lines I came across some gorgeous, divine and simply beautiful are some of my favs!

red polka dot paper lanterns ( I have 3 of these exact ones haning above freckles bed) from twiggi

yummy little pink heart paper doilies from twiggi

0 little pieces of your mind: