Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lazy Sunday...

Well we had beautiful weather today, the sky was crystal blue and the sun was beaming and shining. Dh was away at a retreat for the whole weekend so myself and the littleuns just hung out. On saturday, we did housey stuff and freckles got invited for a sleepover, so she went off to that all happiness and the boy and I went and got some food and a couple of dvds to fill in our afternoon and evening. I had a friend drop in who was up from Melbourne for a wedding and that was great to catch up with him. I then watched, the best movie ever and is now I think my favourite..if you have not seen it, do your self a favour, grab a packet of TimTams and a blanket, and glass of red wine also a huge box of tissues and watch it...The Notebook....the best! So after I balled my eyes out about this movie, I then went off to bed. So that was yesterday. Today just hung in our pj's and then the boy fell asleep will we snuggled up on the couch. We then went out for lunch with my friend from yesterday..then down the water for an hour. The boy and I then went out and picked up freckles. Stayed with my friend for an hour or so and the kids played. Freckles was absolutley wrecked, and came home and promptly went to bed. Dh came home from his retreat and he had a great weekend. All in all a pretty lovely and happy weekend...see you tomorrow.

1. Having my family all under one roof after being all over the place on the weekend.
2. Ryan Gosling...hello, watch The Notebook and you will understand.
3. staying in my pjs till lunchtime
4. the sun through the trees
5. trampolines..the kids love em.

0 little pieces of your mind: