Ok, so in my hustle and bustle, and packing this week I completely overlooked that yesterday was the first of December, hence the first day of Summer..yay! Also the first day to s
tart counting down till that jolly red man visits..and the day we usually put up the tree..but..because we are moving we are putting it off till next week after the children get back from their cousins, and we have fully moved into the house. This has disgusted my 7 year old daughter, who is eagerly awaiting her newest addition to the collection..her new ornamet. You see I have a little tradition that I started when I had freckles, and have now continued it with the boy and
my god daughter. The tradition is that every year I will
find them a new ornament for the tree, I love looking and searching for the perfect one each year. I try to make them have some sort of particulare meaning to each child, a memory from the year before, something they loved at this age or that, or something just funny..for example, when we had our seachange 4 years ago I bought freckles a "Summer surfing santa" ornament..and so on. So hence she has to wait another week. Anyway the reason I do this little tradition, is so that when they finally do graduate to their grown up wings and fly the nest, they will have a lovely box of beautiful ornaments to put on their own trees, and with each one a little reminder of times gone by. That's it really..do you like that? The other reason is I LOVE ornaments..Anyway here are some of my favourites that I have spotted around the traps..only 23 more sleeps peeps!
Oh and dont forget the giveaway on friday! Grand opening of the shops...stay tuned!
Most scruptious wreath ever - get your here from designcandie
Photos Above
Shiny Brite box set of baubles get them @ PonyParty
Darth & Storm Trooper ornaments get them @blackrose1151
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