Happy Australia Day!
for yesterday, I was supposed to post this yesterday but blogger uploading pics is just insane!
for yesterday, I was supposed to post this yesterday but blogger uploading pics is just insane!
So it is Australia Day here..a day to celebrate all things aussie, like the classics, vegemite, meat pies, bbq's, cold beer, a day at the beach, sunburn, white zinc-ed noses, thongs, blue singlets, stubbies shorts, pimped up ute's, beer bellies, bikinis, and a million other things.
We have pretty much celebrated Australia Week in our household, we have been camping on the beautiful Stradbroke Island with our family. It is a last week of the holidays tradition and we love it. Apart from the following - blue bottles, horse flies the size of buses, rain and more rain and one wee little boy who could not keep his hands to himself, everything was perfect!

packed to the hilt on the ferry
So a huge shout out to my beautiful sister in law, her equally handsome other half and our divine neices & nephew for one fab week (again) and roll on next year!

Tracking it..the track from our campsite to the beach
Here are some of my fav's from the week!
Home Beach - Stradbroke Island
Little Miss A, the Island Princess

kids camping concert
Straddie Beauty Shop & one unimpressed customer!

sandhill runners
island emergency

doing the dishes...slave labour style
rockpool bath
tie the kids up and let them eat mango!

and the winner is..freckles the mango lover!
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