Happy New Year!
and welcome 2009!
Wow, I cant believe it quite yet..2009..wow. So many things ran through my mind as the clock struck midnight last night, here are just a few...
1. 2009..that means it will be my 10 year wedding anniversary on the 27th of February..10 YEARS..man, I never in a million years thought I would get married, let alone stay married for 10 years..wow, very cool, and I am wishing for a million more.
2. I had my first baby 8 years ago..my beautiful, spirited girl. I have managed to keep her alive for this long, this alone is a miracle.
3. The boy, well he turns 3 in 6 days..i was thinking about how huge I was 3 years ago, waddling around 4 days overdue and trying anything in 35+ degree heat to get my baby into the world..but to no avail! My little man is growing up..and I dont want him too.
4. I have Lovestamp. I did it, I started it, and hopefully it will grow, bigger and better.
5. We have our new home, and are going to start renovations soon..ahhh a big job on the horizon with a deadline of next christmas.
6. Discussions where had last night around the table with beautiful friends about where we want to be next new year..we all agreed on Bali, and are going to try and make it their!
And lastly...i thought about how grateful I am to have made it through another year, it has been very hard at times along the way. The first half of the year is a complete blur, I do not even remember it at all. But then a little ray of sunshine came out after Dad's anniversary. The second half has been easier, and the darkness lifted a little, but last night as the clock struck 12, I realised I moving into another year without him. And it hurts, like really, physically. I have tried not to think about him over christmas, but last night it all caught up with me. I miss him. I cant put it into words, I just do. It is my heart, it hurts. And I cried, really cried. I miss you Dad, just miss you, so much. I wish you were here. Now.
Happy New Year everyone!

1 little pieces of your mind:
Hi, a newcomer I am! Here's to that heaviness in your heart and mind lifting this year. I am extremely close with my Father and this post touched me enough to comment on my second visit to you. Congratulations also on your 10th year mark, I'm like you..not sure I could or would last that long. Time will tell.......
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