Saturday, June 27, 2009

www love

i love love this, I am so going to do this, now just to find the perfect doorway

Well that time again for some www love.

organisateion plus, digging the retro the wallpaper
Here are some images that I found whilst wondering around the www at all hours.

pink carpet = gorgeous, the bike = no words to describe the love for this, the blackboard paint wall super cool, but would hate to have to vaccum that floor!

Sorry in advance for not knowing where all if any these came from, but if it is yours thank you for making me smile! Enjoy xo

raindrops from deliciousdesignz on etsy

sweet bunting.

i think I am going to get this for someone special.

i wish for this body in this that too much! available via hopeless on etsy

0 little pieces of your mind: