Normally I am not one to buy trashy gossip mags unless -
a. I am on holidays
b. I am sick in bed
c. it is Who mag which I buy religiously...
But..this week I just had to buy the current issue of Ok Magazine..Ricki Lee Coulter was on the cover and I could not belive my eyes..this amazing Australian woman has transformed herself, with guts and determination and damned hard work..She looks incredible and is an inspiration...
Another couple of Aussie women who have caught my eye and definatley my attention, is the gorgeous girls from The Block, are just the coolest mums going around...let me just say they are rockin! If you are not a fan of the block you probably have no idea who I am talking about, and if you are you may have your favourites and that is all cool, but these two ladies are just the best.
They left their families, homes, jobs, everything to risk it all on The Block and they have done the most outstanding job..they make me laugh, they make me cry but mostly they inspire me.
So to these three aussie women, I salute you, thanks for inspiring this old girl...and hopefully many others as well.
ps. you can pop on over to Katrina's blog here, and oh she is an amazing graphic artist, see here!
1 little pieces of your mind:
I always thought Rikki Lee looked good. She has been on and off the covers depending on her weight and that bothers me hugely (or thinly, depending!?!) x
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