Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Tuesday, spent the morning with my lovely friend Jodes, we sat around and drank coffee (Jodes ) Coke Zero me..ate the new Choc Orange Tim Tams...hello yum! and probably smoked a million cigarettes in the sun. Yes most of those things are really bad, but you know what, read the line under my header! We talked and talked for a couple of hours between, nappy changes, dvd changes, lego making and driving cars for the boy. Then the boy and I cleaned up a bit and finished the washing and snuggled up for a nap..it was so lovely. Then picked up the trio of girls, and they came back for a play, lots of dancing and makeup and lipstick etc...it was great!

My lovely dh came home early and let me go for a big walk and then we all had dinner together before he went back to work. Other than that pretty cruisy day...work tomorrow, pretty busy.

All in all the black dog is at bay today, and all is good.

I am grateful for today...

1. for my friend Jodes, for not being judgemental and accepting me for me.

2. Jamie Oliver..love his spaghetti recipe

3. the boy, his gorgeous little looks and the conversations that we have

4. seeing freckles do her homework, by herself..so proud

5. clean pj's, love em.

0 little pieces of your mind: