Thursday, March 11, 2010

a little Dory wisdom..

So for the past few days I have been a little lost for words..since Freckles left on her amazing adventure I have been a little nervous. Not nervous about her going, just the long two day drive they where taking. But now they are safe and sound at their destination, I feel like I can stop holding my breath.  It is funny I have had mixed reactions to letting her go away for such a long time and also for such a long way. Mostly they have been supportive, lots of wow's and oh I could never do that''s funny and has made me think. I even found myself questionning my decision, which I dont think is a bad thing. But in the end I was not going to let my fear of what "might happen" overshadow what "could happen" which is a load of fun and a time she will never forget. I miss her so much it hurts, but I know she is with people who love her and will take care of her as their own. I would never have let her go if I did not think this or feel it in my bones.  I also remembered a quote...funny but true. It is from that fabulous movie Nemo..and it is from the gorgeous Dory....

"I promised I would never let anything happen to him" Marlin

"That's a funny thing to promise. You can't never let anything happen to him.Then nothing would ever happen to him." Dory

So true.

I think I have talked before how I want my kids to grow up with lots of different experiences in their lives, not things.  I went on many different trips with friends when I was younger and I loved them and still talk about them today.

I cannot protect her every minute of the day. I can only guide her and try and do my best in making decisions that will be the best for her, but ultimately their is a higher power, whatever or whomever that may be, and what will be will be.

So here is to me overcoming my fear and having happiness in my heart for the fabulous time she is having, and counting down the days till she is back in my arms.


2 little pieces of your mind:

Chantelle {fat mum slim} said...

I love that quote. I love that quote! I don't remember it in the movie, but it's so true.

I need to write it down before I forget it, because I know that I'm going to need it in the future. I really am.

I'm sure that Freckles is missing her Mama too. And she's creating memories that she'll remember forever. xx

Anonymous said...

The sentiments you share are O so True!! I think you did the best thing for her!!